386SWAT Default Options

; Recommended options are
  trapdiv    ; Direct INT 00h to 386SWAT (Divide Overflow Fault)
  trapnmi    ; Direct INT 02h to 386SWAT (Non-maskable interrupt)
  trapbound  ; Direct INT 05h to 386SWAT (BOUND Fault)
  trapinv    ; Direct INT 06h to 386SWAT (Invalid Opcode Fault)
  trapstack  ; Direct INT 0Ch to 386SWAT (Stack Fault)

; The default options are
; addrhbits=12 ; Specify bits in addresses to hash (8-12)
; cmdhist=1024 ; Specify the size of the command history buffer
; intrude    ; Attempt to intrude into another memory manager's PL0 context
; logsize=4096 ; Specify size of error log buffer in bytes
; normlidt     ; Disable Real Mode LIDT redirection
; proxsrch=2,1 ; Search symbols for matches within range 2 of units with
; granularity 1 (default granularity is 1 for byte).
; savescreen=16 ; Specify # last screens to save
; symfilter=__imp__ _ ; Specify leading text to strip from symbols
; symsize=4096 ; Specify # bytes to reserve for the symbol table
; trapskip     ; Direct INT 03h to 386SWAT (Single-skip)
; trapstep     ; Direct INT 01h to 386SWAT (Single-step)
; wkdls=0      ; No Windows Kernel Debugger Load Segment symbols

; The default services are
; Windows Kernel Debugger services enabled (disable via nowink)

; All possible options are
; [section name] ; Limit profile processing to the matching MultiConfig
;                ; section in CONFIG.SYS
; addrhbits=nn ; Specify bits in addresses to hash (8-12, default=12)
; altscr     ; Use alternate screen for debugging
; /a         ; Alias for ALTSCR
; buckets=nnn ; Specify # 1K hash bucket blocks (1-255)
; cmdhist=nnn ; Specify the size of the command history buffer
; coldboot   ; Do not try to warm boot on Ctrl-Alt-Del
; dvga       ; Use Dual VGA screen
; gpskip=key[,key] ; GP Skip instructions:  ALL, INT, HLT, OUTD, OUTI, IND,
;            ; INI, CLI, STI, IRET, PPF, and CRn so far
; intrude    ; Obsolete option which is now the default
; keyb=cclay ; Use international keyboard whose country code/layout is cclay.
;            ; Possible values are
;            ;   cclay  Country
;            ; ----------------------
;            ;   GR129  Germany
;            ;   SP172  Spain
; lcd        ; LCD screen present
; loadhigh   ; Obsolete option which is now the default
; loadlow    ; Tell 386MAX it's not OK to load us into extended memory
;            ; after INIT_REAL and to relocate our INIT_VIRT code.
; loadsym    ; Enable command line loading of symbols
; loadsym=d:\path\filename.ext [optional args] ; Load SSF file at PM init time
;            ; [/b=xxxxxxxx]    Optional physical base address in hex
;            ; [/h]         Optional HPDA flag (enable DPMI services)
;            ; [/li-]       Optional disable of line numbers
;            ; [/xl]        Disable larger comparison w/SYMSIZE
; logsize=nnnnn ; Specify size of error log buffer in bytes (default=4096)
; mono       ; Use monochrome adapter if present
; nogd       ; Don't automatically set the GD bit in DR7
; normlidt   ; Disable Real Mode LIDT redirection
; noswap     ; Don't swap screens over single-step/skip
; nowink     ; Disable Windows Kernel Debugger services
; passthrough=nn,nn,... ; Specify one or more hardware interrupt handlers
;            ; (numbers in hex) to pass through while SWAT is active.
;            ; The only ones currently supported are B, C, 76, and 77.
; path=dir[,dir2[...]] ; Specify source code search path for symbolic debugging
;            ; (current directory is NOT included by default)
; portinit=string ; Specify a modem initialization string (setcom must be
;            ; specified as well).  Valid escape sequences are:
;            ; \\ Send a backslash
;            ; \r Send a carriage return
;            ; \b Send a break signal
;            ; \p Pause about 250 ms.
;            ; \1 - \0 Wait 1 - 10 seconds.
;            ; On the first invocation of SWAT, the system will
;            ; automatically attempt to establish connection with a remote
;            ; SWAT system.
; proxsrch=r[,g] ; Search symbols for matches within range r of units with
;            ; granularity g (default granularity is 1 for byte).
; ps4=xxxx   ; Periscope 4 hardware debugger board is at I/O port xxxx
; rmlidt     ; Enable Real Mode LIDT redirection
; savescreen=nnn ; Specify # last screens to save (default = 16)
; setcom=port,bps[,{IRQ|p}[,base]] ; Initialize specified serial port (1-4) for
;            ; remote debugging at specified bps.  Optional IRQ number (3,4)
;            ; overrides default association of ports with IRQs, or p may
;            ; be specified for polled operation.  Optional port base
;            ; may be specified to override BIOS value at 40:0.
; symfilter=text1 [text2 [...]] ; Specify leading text to strip from symbols
; symsize=nnnnn ; Specify # bytes to reserve for the symbol table (default=4096)
; trapbound  ; Direct INT 05h to 386SWAT (BOUND Fault)
; trapdebug  ; Direct INT 01h/03h to 386SWAT (Same as TRAPSTEP with TRAPSKIP)
; trapdiv    ; Direct INT 00h to 386SWAT (Divide Overflow Fault)
; trapgenp   ; Direct INT 0Dh to 386SWAT (General Protection Fault)
; trapinv    ; Direct INT 06h to 386SWAT (Invalid Opcode Fault)
; trapnmi    ; Direct INT 02h to 386SWAT (Non-maskable interrupt)
; trappage   ; Direct INT 0Eh to 386SWAT (Page Fault)
; trapsegnp  ; Direct INT 0Bh to 386SWAT (Segment Not Present Fault)
; trapskip   ; Direct INT 03h to 386SWAT (Single-skip)
; trapstack  ; Direct INT 0Ch to 386SWAT (Stack Fault)
; trapstep   ; Direct INT 01h to 386SWAT (Single-step)
; traptss    ; Direct INT 0Ah to 386SWAT (TSS Fault)
; vcpiswat   ; Don't attempt to intrude into a memory manager's PL0 context
; video=d:\path\filename.ext ; Load/create video tables
; vmscount=n ; Number of times to intrude on GDT/IDT for VCPI debugging
; vmsint     ; Launder Windows and VCPI mode switches and hook interrupts
;            ; 00, 01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 08, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, and 0E.
; vmsint=nn,nn,... ; Limit VMSINT debugging to these interrupt #s
; watchdog=nn ; Set watchdog timer to nn timer ticks (0-255)
; wkdls=nnn  ; Define # WKD Load Segment entries

; debug=caps ; Signal NMI if CapsLock pressed at startup
; debug=ibv  ; Use Interrupt mask base Vector for Ctrl-Alt-PAD5
; debug=int  ; Signal INT 03h if CapsLock present at startup
; debug=pmi  ; Signal INT 03h near end of INIT_PROT
; debug=trip ; Use triple fault method to reboot
; debug=vmi  ; Signal INT 03h on entry to INIT_VIRT
; debug=wcb1 ; Signal INT 01h on WCB VM->RM